Thursday 16 June 2011

Absolutely Nothing to Report

Day 76 Thursday 16th June 2011  

We did almost absolutely nothing today. After breakfast we booked a further five nights at the hotel as we knew that our bikes will take us to the 25th June at least to get hold of them. We knew that we couldn’t hang around the hotel all day so we took a walk down to the port, narrowly avoiding a heavily police escorted cavalcade, and watched a large coastguard boat leave the portside and then dock about half mile over on the opposite bank whilst a small coastguard boat came and picked up some dignitaries and floated off again.  Yawn !

We got back to the hotel and had a talk with the Fins who were hard at the task of trying to fix a starter motor on one of the Harley’s (this was later fixed with the use of the cunning engineering skill of the Russians who have a knack of fixing anything mechanical if it breaks down – experience which is probably essential in the cold winters of Siberia and the fact that there is no spare part shop for hundreds of miles, if at all).

Our planned night out which was to be a meal at an Italian restaurant with Ad & Rian, the Dutch couple, was scuppered at the eleventh hour (the eighth hour actually) by a phone vall from Yuri saying that the loading of their bikes into the container was taking much longer than anticipated and they would not be back in time for eats. I spoke to Ad and told him not to worry and perhaps we can rearrange for tomorrow. We trudged back to our room to finish off yesterday’s cheese, onion and salami all made up into a sandwich and helped down with apples and nectarines. Really looking forward to my broccoli and cauliflower at breakfast tomorrow.
So bored tonight that we even contemplated having a competition tomorrow at breakfast to see who could build the best vagina out of the food on offer. Mark will win I think as he is going for the pancakes but I might get an edge if I use the battered cod to give my presentation smell-o-vision or make it more authentic by pinching a cherry from the fruit salad.

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